Google Analytics

How to Get Bounce Rate per Landing Page in Bigquery for GA4?

How to Get Bounce Rate per Landing Page in Bigquery for GA4?

This is almost a classic request from clients, wanting to know the bounce rate per landing page and if you

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GA4 Measurement Protocol Debugging

GA4 Measurement Protocol Debugging

Google Analytics 4 (GA4) has seen a revised Measurement Protocol (MP), that is still somewhat lagging behind on features that

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Tracking Chili Piper events with Google Tag Manager

Tracking Chili Piper events with Google Tag Manager

Chili Piper is a popular tool for meeting scheduling and beyond, used by many B2B companies globally. Since this tool

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Exporting Google Analytics UA data to Google Sheets

Exporting Google Analytics UA data to Google Sheets

With the sunset of Google Analytic Universal (aka UA), many sites not only had to migrate their tracking to GA4

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How to Get Count of Session in Bigquery for Google Analytics 4

How to Get Count of Session in Bigquery for Google Analytics 4

Back in the old days of universal analytics, there was a report that not that many users knew about or

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Shopify apps tracking with GA4

Shopify apps tracking with GA4

With the release of GA4 (July 2023), many platforms using GA as their main tracking infrastructure have adjusted their products

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Integrating Poptin with GA4 and Google Tag Manager

Integrating Poptin with GA4 and Google Tag Manager

One of my favorite tools for lead capture is Poptin. Besides being a great tool with fantastic functionality, it also

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How to add Session ID to GA4 Measurement Protocol events?

How to add Session ID to GA4 Measurement Protocol events?

I was recently helping a client migrate to GA4 (it’s right around the corner, July 1st, 2023). This client, a

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Integrating the Zendesk Widget with GA4

Integrating the Zendesk Widget with GA4

If you’re already using Zendesk to power chat on your site, you probably already have it integrated into your Google

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Adding GA4 to your site using Segment

Adding GA4 to your site using Segment

Over the past year, I’ve worked with almost a dozen different clients that migrated their Google Analytics implementation from UA

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