<\/strong>The ID of the keyword (“kwd”), remarketing or audience list (“aud”), dynamic ad target (“dat”), product partition (“pla”), or targeted location ID (“loc”) that triggered the ad.<\/p>\n\n\n\nIf there are more than one ID, they will appear in the following order: aud, dat, kwd, pla. For example, if you associate remarketing list “1234” with keyword “5678”, the {TargetId} would be replaced by “aud-1234:kwd-5678”.<\/p>\n\n\n\n
<\/strong>The match type used to deliver an ad. This can be different from the {BidMatchType}. For example, if you bid on a broad match and the search term was an exact match. This can help you determine what match types are getting the most clicks.<\/p>\n\n\n\n\n- e=exact<\/li>\n\n\n\n
- p=phrase<\/li>\n\n\n\n
- b=broad<\/li>\n\n\n\n
- b=expanded (Expanded match is treated as a broad match.)<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n\n\n\n
<\/strong>The keyword bid match type. This can be different than {MatchType}. For example, if you bid on a broad match and the search term was an exact match. When used with {MatchType} this can help you refine your bidding, keyword and landing page strategies.<\/p>\n\n\n\n\n- be=bidded exact<\/li>\n\n\n\n
- bp=bidded phrase<\/li>\n\n\n\n
- bb=bidded broad<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n\n\n\n
<\/strong>The ad network type on which the ad was served.<\/p>\n\n\n\n\n- o = owned and operated (Bing, AOL, and Yahoo search results)<\/li>\n\n\n\n
- s = syndicated (search partner site results)<\/li>\n\n\n\n
- a = audience (Microsoft Audience Network placements)<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n\n\n\n
For example, suppose your destination URL is\/network={Network}. Assuming that your network (ad distribution) is Bing, AOL and Yahoo search (owned and operated) only, the destination URL will be\/network=o.<\/p>\n\n\n\n
<\/strong>One of the following codes depending on where the click came from. This list can help you determine what type of devices are generating the most clicks. You can then customize your ads and bids accordingly.<\/p>\n\n\n\n